SaffaFest Potjie Taste Test 鐵鍋燉肉試吃
Observe the contestants of the SaffaFest Potjie Competition at
your leisure.
自由觀看鐵鍋燉肉比賽参賽組實況。 -
Open the Potjies, Photos, Tuck in!
鐵鍋燉肉開鍋 ,大合照 ,開動啦! -
Witness the Potjie Competition Prize giving ceremony,
enjoy the rest of the event at leisure.
Potjie 廚藝比賽的頒獎典禮,自由活動。
活動日期 Date: 2023/03/11 16:30-17:30
Taste test some of the South African potjie contest entries. 現場試吃廚藝比賽的南非風格燉肉喔!
NT$ 200 per attendee 每人 $200 元
Taste test spots are limited, please register early! 數量有限,請儘早報名!
Attendees should be 18 years and up
歡迎18歲以上的朋友來參加! -
Register first, Pay when you arrive.
P.S. Don't forget there are also other event interactives
別忘記當日還有其他活動可以參加喔 !

Write to us 電子郵件
Pangea International Co. Ltd. 攀吉亞有限公司
VAT number 統一編號 : 28045719
Mailing address: 34-4 Shuei Yuan Di, Chang Zhu Li, East District, Chiayi City, 60075
公司地址: 60075 嘉義市東區長竹里水源地34之4號